SoftBOT can design, develop and maintenance your personal or corporate website, portal and e-shop, managed and supported by our own CMS system called 6axisCMS.
SoftBOT provides professional web development services, encompassing web design and development, domain acquisition, content management, social media, online advertising, content creation, and platform advocacy. We can develop new websites to suit your brand positioning, and also redesign or revamp your existing websites, for improved look and brand identity.
We understand that a website is platform that connects companies with their clients; it supports your businesses and helps it grow. Our team of web developers and designers can efficiently work on all types of projects like company web design, eCommerce website design and mobile web development.
We can transform your website into a well-organized and operational platform using WordPress, Joomla, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and Jquery, social media and networking, search engine optimization (SEO), image galleries and search engines, custom CMS, database architecture and management, analytic tracking codes, email set-ups, etc.
Having a user friendly, attractive and optimized website helps organizations reach out to a wide client base and hence not only create an online presence and brand identity but also generate better leads, more conversions and hence increased profits. We are a trusted web design firm, known to provide highly innovative and affordable SEO friendly website design services to our esteemed clients.
Web Development
The design of your website is what engages your prospective and existing customers. Your website is essentially a one-stop-shop where users can explore everything your business has to offer, and also contact you for your services. A website is very similar to a clean, beautiful store that has all its products displayed for everynone to see...
Once the front-end of your website is ready, our development team commences their work. Depending on the scope of the project, they code in HTML, HTML5, CSS or any other relevant technologies. Our website development services are highly flexible and are customized to meet your expectations…
SoftBOT is not just a website development company, our web and enterprise content management services will help your organization design, integrate and deploy systems that are perfectly suited to your goals and operations. 6axisCMS is our custom-made developed framework that we use to provide you with state of the art customized solutions...
We design highly professional and technologically sound e-commerce portals, and like any responsible website design and development company, we are well-aware of the internet securities. Moreover, we are experts in the field of internet security…
SoftBOT offers skilled web portal development solutions to organizations enabling them to use the immense potential of the internet for their business growth. SoftBOT offers portal design, development and portal maintenance services that result in the creation of feature-rich web portals and...
Why choose us?
All information, all systems, all details in one place. Learn earlier, be proactive, generate results.